About Me

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Boulder, CO, United States
From Minnesota to Maine to the sunny land of Boulder, CO, I have been competing as an athlete all my life and been working as massage therapist for six years now. Helping athletes with greater recovery, bounce back from injury faster, and helping one's body perform at it's best is what I aim to do. My love for sport, training and helping a body feel good and perform at it's best has driven me into a career in massage therapy. I strive for nothing less than the best...let me help you reach greater heights.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring time?

While the trees are blooming are flowers are blossoming most place in the Northern Hemisphere this time of year, Northern Maine is still feeling pretty chilly. The last two mornings I woke up to my thermometer reading 38F. Brr, is all I have to say to that.
The cold, wet weather didn't keep fourteen of us from peddling up and down the hills of Northern Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec this past Saturday during Fresh Trails Adventures season kick off F.A.R.M. Ride, (French Acadian Randonee of Maine). Randonee rides are often done throughout central Europe. One day group rides with a mix of paved and well packed dirt roads, Randonnee rides are most often have support vehicles providing food and drink stops and gear support. These rides are meant to be an enjoyable day of riding, often exploring new routes. Fresh Trails choose some beautiful and challenging roads throughout New Brusnwick and Quebec for the bike tour companies the first offered Randonee.

After the initial struggle of getting out of bed, putting on my many layers of bike clothing and heading out the door, things were quite enjoyable throughout the day. We broke up our 80 mile ride with an amazing lunch at the Auberge La Dulce Vite in Nortre Dame du Lac in Quebec. After fulling back up and throwing on a few dry cloths we all jumped back on our bikes to make our way back towards Fort Kent, where we started and finished the ride for the day. In the end we only peddled in the rain for short while in the morning and briefly just after lunch. I was pleasantly warm throughout the entire ride and thanks to our two great support vehicles was never ran out of water or food for the entire ride. Spirits were high throughout the entire day and in the end I believe everyone was quite happy with themselves for crawling out of bed and forcing themselves outside on a dearly Saturday morning. Upon departing for the day we were all looking forward to putting our legs up and putting our new Fresh Trails pint glass, (everyone got one in their goodie bag!) to use. Well deserved on all counts.

Thanks to all of those who joined in on the fun. I am glad you were all there to get me out their in the first place. Wouldn't have wanted to miss out on any of it.
cheers, BA

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Run around

7:00 am run Saturday morning. Ran out to the beaver pond a few miles away, checking out what the busy beavers have been up to since my last visit this past fall. The rain is holding off for the time being. Glad to get at least one workout in before it starts to fall again.
First time trying out the new GU Chomps. Testing out the blueberry pomegranate today. They are great to take with on a long workout because it's easy to just eat one or two at a time and not overload your stomach. Did I mention how delicious they are as well? Just like my favorite fruit snacks, only loaded with electrolytes and all that good stuff.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fresh start

May has arrived and a new training season has officially begun. I feel more refreshed and excited for this new start having just come off of an amazing vacation to St. Croix for eight days. I found the warm waters of the Caribbean to be more therapeutic then I imagined, not to mention inspiring and a bit scary at time! (We had a brief close encounter with a eight foot long bull shark while snorkeling one day). While it was hard to leave the beautiful beaches and palm trees, it feels good to be back to the fresh, crisp air of Maine.
Being home again and looking at the year ahead, I am feeling good about my perspective on training and my overall biathlon career. The closing of this past season brought on a great deal of reflection and left me with a more concrete idea of my goals are, why I am want to continue racing and how I will proceed in reaching these goals.
Here is my best attempt at summarizing the answers to these questions as best I can: World Cups races, World Championship and a National title are all on my list of things I wish to accomplish in the year ahead. While these are challenging goals, they are ones I know I can accomplish. They represent a good part of my result orientated goals for the year. Competing as an athlete full time has helped me to learn so much about myself, given me life experience I can’t imagine I would have had otherwise. It has allowed me to spend much of my time doing things I love. This career has also put me in a unique position to help others learn and experience some of the many benefits Nordic skiing and other great physical activities provides. All these reasons contribute to my dedication to continuing my biathlon career.

Having competed as an athlete for many years with many of the same goals, I want to approach this year and the rest of my career in a way that I know I am moving forward and avoid the feeling of beating my head against the wall by making the same mistakes year after year or race after race. Having a solid idea of what my goals are and having a training plan set out to help me reach them is the first step in moving forward. Keeping in touch with the joy of sport and having fun in what I do is another important piece that will help me succeed in what I am doing. Balancing these two tasks and with the rest of my life is a great challenge but one that will allow me to achieve all that I set my mind to. After taking a great deal of time and energy working these thoughts and ideas out, I am ready to start acting on them. Great success, impact and happiness starts now.